This game has so much potential. Its really fun, when you have the diamonds and cash to spend. Money and diamonds are too hard to come by through natural gameplay. There need to be more ways to earn currency and higher payouts for 4+ star results. Payouts on the Jet Set entries would help as well.
Also, many of the challenges just have too many requirements, which is exacerbated by the lack of available currency.
The "free diamonds" offers are not reliably paid out, and too many of them require credit card entry or purchase.
Id also like to see an addition to the search function that limit by price range. No point Im browsing $1000+ items if I dont have that kind of loot laying around.
For rallies, the toggling feature makes goals way too high when people forget to toggle off if they arent active for a while. Basing the goal on entries and not how many people have rallies toggled on would make much more sense.
Additionally, paying $9 in real money for a digital hair accessory is just stupid. Lower the price, bundle them, make them buyable with diamonds/game cash, and/or make them winnable.
Adding more diversity to the models was a fantastic addition but I think it would have been better executed by making them options instead of using set models for each challenge.
Overall my biggest complaint is the difficulty in obtaining in game currency. It really makes the game not fun when I can only enter one or two challenges every couple of days because I dont want to spend real money to buy digital clothing. Consider making a paid version of the game ($5? $7?) and increasing the rewards in the game instead of relying on microtransactions. Id rate much higher and play much more if I could pay one flat fee for the game, get rewards that allow me to enter challenges regularly, and not have to deal with microtransactions or filling out market research surveys for a small amount of diamonds.
MissBathory about Covet Fashion: Dress Up Game, v3.00.51